Online Diploma Courses

What is Data Science

data sciences in pakistan
Unlock the potential of What is Data Science with our comprehensive guide. Discover what Data Science is, its applications, and how it fuels insights-driven decision-making.

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What is Data Science and what are the benefits of pursuing this course? This is a question typically asked by anyone who comes across this field . We all have heard of the term Data Science but most of us don’t know what exactly it means.

What are the courses you can pursue?

Typically a diploma in Data Science includes a combination of required and elective courses from three disciplines – computer science, statistics and mathematics. This program is designed to help students develop strong technical skills as well as be able to communicate their findings more effectively. In order to successfully complete this course, students are required to take a course in each of the following areas:

This field allows professionals to live out their passion for technology which is why this Diploma is among the most sought after.

This course is designed to provide graduates with an understanding of how data can be collected, stored and analyzed. This gives graduates the opportunity to work in any organization that collect customer information using the internet or by other means. For example, a marketing firm relies on data science professionals for analyzing market trends and making predictions based on this data. The same skill set is used by a human resource department for hiring purposes.

The profession is basically an amalgamation of data analysis, statistics and mathematics. This course provides you with all the skills required to solve problems by applying appropriate techniques. The curriculum covers computer science basics along with advanced courses on machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence etc .

The modules in this course are divided under three categories. Each category is discussed below.

The elective courses give students the freedom to take any course outside their chosen disciplines. For example, if a student wants to learn more about cognitive science or cryptography, he/she can do so through the elective module.

The diploma in data science program can be broken down into two areas: core and electives. The core courses deal with the three main topics like computer science, statistics and mathematics. Students are required to take at least 15 credits from these modules.

Statistics: Statistics courses provide students with a strong understanding of statistical techniques used for prediction and forecasting. Topics like regression, classification and clustering are usually covered in these modules.

Statistics: Statistics courses are designed to help students understand the various statistical tools used for data analysis. This includes creating models of data sets, making predictions from these models and inference about them.

Preparing for this diploma usually requires two things:

Linear Algebra: Linear algebra helps students solve problems involving matrices. A typical course is designed to help the student understand concepts like vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues/vectors etc . This is an important topic for anyone

It would be safe to say that whoever finds a way to use all this information will lead their respective fields.

It is recommended that a student has a strong foundation in calculus, linear algebra and computer programming before taking this course. These topics have been discussed below.

In short, graduates from this course can work as data scientists in big companies or start their own company and become entrepreneurs.

How the diploma in data science has become popular among computer and IT professionals?

Data Scientists are ideally suited for positions like analytics lead, predictive modelling analyst etc . Data analysis plays an important role in retail analytics and marketing to monitor customer behavior so they can be served better.

Data Scientists are a hot commodity. This profession is currently in very high demand and the drive to find talent in this field is going strong. With over 4,000 open positions in 2015 alone, according to Forbes , Data Science has been labeled as one of the most promising new college majors . If you’re looking for a job in the next few years, chances are you’re going to need a degree in something. According to this article  by USA today , “A Professional Diploma” is still the best bet for landing a good job.

Data Science, also known as DS or DSJ, is a relatively new field born with the purpose to find and refine hidden patterns in massive data sets that can help solve complex issues.

  • Computer Science: The module on computer science for data scientists helps students become competent programmers who can write clean code and use the right data structures to solve problems. Some of the topics that are usually covered under this subject include:
  • Computer Science: Computer Science is all about using computers to solve problems. A computer science course will teach a student how to work around a computer system and manage its resources effectively.
  • Canadian Diploma Fee of one year: 40,000/pk
  • Calculus: Calculus helps students understand how limits, derivatives and integrals can be used to approximate the area under a curve or the change of a function over time. In order to understand how to use these tools, students need to have a strong understanding of differential and integral calculus.
  • At international schools and colleges its complete fee ranges from 7000 to 15000 USD, BUT keeping in view PDRi Pakistan and ilam Global under the leader ship of Professor Dr Zshah, PhD, reasonable fee is fixed at 50,000pkr Training & 40,000 Pkr for Canadian Diploma
  • 7. How much does a diploma in data science cost?e
  • 6. How to prepare for a diploma in data science:
  • 5. Career opportunities for those who complete a diploma in data science:
  • 4. The various modules that make up the diploma in data science program ?
  • 3. What are the prerequisites for pursuing this course?
  • 2. Programming skills in at least one programming language like Python, Java or C++
  • 1. A strong understanding of mathematics
  • • Programming and Problem Solving
  • • Object Oriented Systems Development
  • Linear Algebra
  • • Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering
  • • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • • Classification Methods
  • • Applied Regression Analysis


  • Muhammad Yasir MS IN COMPUTER Sc Gold Medalist
  • Muhammad Furqan Khan , Machine Learning, Cyber Reconnaissance
  • Mathematics: Anyone looking to pursue a diploma in Data Science will have to take a
  • Madam URWATUL WASQA Python, MATLAB, C++, C
  • Abstract Algebra

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