Online Diploma Courses


Professional Development is very important and imperative for any on-job professional, who is working anywhere in the world. The developed countries have devised various methods and tools for such development; however, Pakistan is lagging behind in this venture. The tight higher education framework of the country and lack of online facilities for online learning has further added to the poor predicament of overseas Pakistanis. It may be noted that overseas friendly education is lacking in Pakistan. Overseas friendly education and Professional certificates mean to envisage such pattern of education and examination which may not affect the routine job activities of the professionals. Because the overseas Pakistanis are immersed in multiple problems, of which some are,

Keeping in view this poor and paradoxical scenario of Pakistanis, the management of the Professional Development Institute/Consultancy has evolved a unique strategy. For the purpose the efforts of professor Dr. Zahir Shah, PhD is worth mentioning.

Online Certification

We have done a lot of research to find out different avenues, channels and strategies of acquiring higher professional education which may fulfill the needs and requirements of the overseas Pakistanis.

For this purpose, TRACCERT Canada has been the best choice where in the professional experience of the skilled Pakistanis are accredited and certified by the TRACCERT, Canada via flexible manner. The candidate is enrolled in the LMS of and he is asked to submit at least two ACTION RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS, and on the bases of it his experiences and past training is converted in the form of 1-3 year certifications, within a short time of 3-4 months. This type of award is very genuine with having the facilities of Online and Departmental verification.  In addition TRACCERT Canada is a full member of Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada.


It is seen that in the recent present many candidates have completed their professional diplomas/Certificates and got Saudi Council of Engineering membership, in addition to Iqama renewal. It is interesting to note that some of the candidates have got promotion and job changes on bases of such international certification.

However, with changing environment it is felt that overseas Pakistanis who are at managerial and sub managerial positions give precedence to acquire international vocation specific higher education. For this we have arrived at agreements with numerous international universities, and one of them is the Mexican Based University having web page This university is having its presence on World Higher Education Data Base, and International Universities Association (IAU).

It is worth noting that if any university in the world is having been listed by the World Higher Education Data Base is also UNESCO listed and consequently such universities are considered genuine and authentic. In addition to be graduated from this university a diploma supplement is also provided to the candidate, where in legalization of such graduations is also done.

For any such details, Please Don’t Hesitate to Contact us 24/7 at
